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Zon.Tools saw rapid growth, but faced challenges with scaling, features, and platform support due to the rigidity of their software design.
5 months
9 developers
Laravel, AWS
Amazon Seller Tools
Amazon Seller Tools

Smart Advertising Automation for Amazon PPC

Zon.Tools saw rapid growth, but faced challenges with scaling, features, and platform support due to the rigidity of their software design. Our goal was to improve their tools with a more flexible framework and an easy-to-scale server design.

Problems Solved

The initial server design was limited to 100 users per server, and the code, written in PHP, was too rigid for implementing features or adding multi-platform support.
Rigid Legacy Code
Obsolete Server Design
No Multi-platform Support

Flexibility and Multi-platform Support

Our team replaced their PHP codebase with the Laravel framework, refactored to create more flexibility - something that native PHP couldn’t provide.
This change in code and framework made it easier for developers to add new features and extend the product’s functionality to platforms like Walmart, Target, Google Ads, Facebook Ads and Tiktok Ads.
case study screenshot of zontools
zontools architecture diagram

Redesigning for Scale

A 100 users per server limitation kept decreasing the financial viability of maintaining the software.
Our engineers streamlined the software infrastructure by centralizing application access for all servers and using a load balancer to automatically divide users among servers. This led to an increase in individual server capacity from 100 to thousands.

How It Was Built

Rebuilding with Agility
The new version of Zon.Tools is built to stay ahead of their competition. We developed it using Agile methodologies to enable faster feature releases, and stay up to date with Amazon’s API updates
Standardized Processes
The new version of Zon.Tools is built to stay ahead of their competition. We developed it using Agile methodologies to enable faster feature releases, and stay up to date with Amazon’s API updates
Modern Monolith Software Architecture
Built with MySQL on AWS Server Hosting, Zon.Tools’ architecture is designed to allow both vertical and horizontal scalability.
  1. A static IP is assigned to a network load balancer (LB) which points to the application load balancer (LB). This is done to reduce delays caused by DNS changes. In case of errors, the same static IP is pointed to new instances of the same structure.
  2. The application LB points to an auto-scaling group of servers.
  3. Based on the load and network usage, the auto-scaling group increases or decreases EC2 server numbers.
  4. Aurora Postgresql (serverless) is used as a central database to serve multiple schemas that further point to different user schemas.
  5. Redis is used for caching, session, queue management.
  6. To serve content and make websites faster, we used Cloudfront CDN that stores and serves static assets like code, and images at the location nearest to the user.
  7. A secure S3 bucket is used as storage for user files and data.
Tools Used
Jira, Figma, GitHub, MySQL database, Laravel framework, and AWS.
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Subscription Data Migration from a Custom Woo Commerce WordPress
The new version of Zon.Tools is built to stay ahead of their competition. We developed it using Agile methodologies to enable faster feature releases, and stay up to date with Amazon’s API updates
Team Structure

A team of Six Developers and Three System Analysts worked on this project

Farihin Talib
Gery Dabarto
ParticleByte iconParticleByte icon
Yayan Suganda
Imran Syarif
ParticleByte iconParticleByte icon
Yusuf Baktir
Nizam Yusop
System Analysts
Amir Ajmal
ParticleByte icon
Ellisha Razlisham
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Asyraff Farouq
ParticleByte icon
Farihin Talib
Gery Dabarto
Yayan Suganda
Imran Syarif
Yusuf Baktir
Nizam Yusop
System Analysts
ParticleByte  icon
Amir Ajmal
Ellisha Razlisham
Asyraff Farouq

What We Did

  • Research
  • UX & UI Design
  • Custom Software Development
  • DevOps
  • QA and Software Testing
two personsa woman and man
  • Research
  • UX & UI Design
  • Custom Software Development
  • DevOps
  • QA and Software Testing

Amazon Advertising API

We used Amazon’s ads API to add third-party integration support, facilitate access to vendor and seller profiles, and automate, scale, and optimize the ad operations for ZonTools.

Key Features

Auto-Mate 3.0™ Automation Engine
Automated bid adjustments that help youmaximize sales and reach your ACoS goals faster.
KeyWord Miner™
This featureautomatically adds high converting search terms to your campaign so that it cangrow organically in an automated manner.
Product Group Network (PGN) Structure
The application uses Amazon Campaign Structure to build PPC campaigns within Amazon Central. The PGN structure allows campaign-related data like best bids, keywords and targets to be shared across campaigns within the same structure. This increases campaign delivery and efficiency.
Market Relevance

Top Tool For Amazon Sellers

Zon.Tools is a must-have tool for sellers who want to increase sales through automated PPC ads on platforms like Amazon, Walmart, Target, etc.
Visit ZonTools

Our Work in Numbers

New Features
Automation Features
Managed Monthly
Active Users
Countries Supported